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2015海外引智项目:多伦多大学Wendy Lou教授学术报告谈生物统计机遇以及在新兴市场的挑战
来源:  点击次数: 次 发布时间:2015-05-20   编辑:

2015年5月13日,加拿大多伦多大学公共卫生学院教授、生物统计系系主任Wendy Lou与我院教师一起进行了一场别开生面的学术研讨。

Wendy Lou教授是中央财经大学2015海外引智项目特邀教授,多伦多大学公共卫生学院生物统计系的终身教授,系主任,美国统计协会南安大略分会会长及理事会代表,加拿大公共健康统计方法研究会主席,国际华人统计协会加拿大分会秘书长,并兼任纽约大学生物数学系教授。Wendy Lou教授主持及合作的项目遍及统计学方法与多学科间的交叉问题,受到加拿大NSERC,CIHR以及美国NIH,AHRQ等政府机构的广泛资助。主要研究方向包括解决慢性病与生活质量改进的统计学方法研究,运行模式分布理论在生物医药方面的应用,以及卫生健康、生物医药学等方面,发表论文百余篇。Wendy Lou教授还担任Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability,以及Statistics in BioSciences等多个国际期刊的副主编,以及加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金项目,加拿大健康研究所基金等多项基金项目的评审人。

Wendy Lou教授运用W5H方法详细介绍了生物统计的What, When, Who, Where, Why, How等几个方面,大家经过热烈讨论,一致认为从SARS,H1N1等恶性传染性疾病的症状监测,到基因或环境问题导致的哮喘或者过敏等慢性疾病的群组研究,从癌症筛选,到营养品及食品分类,生物统计的问题和研究无处不在,并且正在改变我们的时代!Wendy Lou教授运用两个例子介绍了统计与数学的方法如何解决上午生物统计的问题。张忠元副教授、邓露副教授、李丰博士等分别进行了发言。


学术报告:Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Biostatistics: A Personal Perspective时间:2015年5月13(周三)14:00-15:30



With the rapid growth of data that often arises from multiple sources, the need for efficient computational tools and robust analytic methods has grown drastically over the years. The complexity of data usually requires multidisciplinary efforts through collaborations. In this talk, three collaborative research projects will be presented to illustrate how statistical and mathematical issues were identified and tackled. A selected list of current challenges in Biostatistics will also be discussed.

报告人简介:Professor Wendy Lou, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Professor Wendy Lou is a tenured Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics, and Head of the Division of Biostatistics in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH) at the University of Toronto, Canada. She is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, and holdsthe Canada Research Chair in Statistical Methods for Health Care. Prior to her current position at the University of Toronto, she was an Associate Professor in the Department of Biomathematical Sciences at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York University, New York, USA.

Professor Lou has been the principal investigator and a co-investigator on numerous statistical methodology grants and interdisciplinary research projects, funded by government agencies in Canada (e.g. NSERC, CIHR) and the US (e.g. NIH, AHRQ). Her research focuses on the development of statistical methodology for the study of chronic conditions and quality improvement, as well as on biomedical applications of the distribution theory of runs and patterns. She also collaborates extensively with applied researchers in healthcare and the biomedical sciences. She has co-authored a monograph on the distribution theory of runs and patterns, and has more than a hundred publications.

Professor Lou is currently an AssociateEditor for Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability and for Statistics in BioSciences. She has been a member of numerous evaluation committees for granting agencies such as the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She has served as Member of the Regional Advisory Board for ENAR of the International Biometric Society, as President of the Southern Ontario Chapter of the American Statistical Association, and as Publications Officer on the Executive Committee of the Statistical Society of Canada’s Board of Directors. She is currently Treasurer of the Canada Chapter of the International Chinese Statistical Association, and Representative of the Council of Chapters for the Board of Directors of the American Statistical Association.


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