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发布时间:2016年05月06日    点击次数: 次    更新日期:2024年06月19日


教授 博士生导师 中央财经大学 拉斯维加斯5357cc



















  • Gao, T.,Pan, R.,Zhang, J.*, and Wang, H. (2024), “Community detection in temporal citation network via a tensor-based approach,” Statistics and Its Interface, 17(2), 145—158.

  • Gao, T., Liu, J.,Pan, R.*,and Wang, H. (2024), “Citation counts prediction of statistical publications based on multi-layer academic networks via neural network model,” Expert Systems with Applications, 238, 121634.

  • Ding,Y.,Pan, R.*, Zhang, Y., and Zhang, B. (2023), “A matrix completion bootstrap method for estimating scale-free network degree distribution,” Knowledge-Based Systems,277,110803.

  • Pan, R., Zhu, Y.*, Guo, B., Zhu, X., and Wang, H. (2023), “A sequential addressing subsampling method for massive data analysis under memory constraint,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 35(9), 9502-9513.

  • Zhang, Y.,Pan, R.*, Wang, H., and Su, H. (2023), “Community Detection in Attributed Collaboration Network for Statisticians,” Stat, 12(1), e507.

  • Pan, R., Ren, T.*, Guo, B., Li, F., Li, G., and Wang, H. (2022), “A note on distributed quantile regression by pilot sampling and one-step updating,” Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, 40(4), 1691—1700.

  • Zhu, X., Wu, S.*,Pan, R., and Wang, H. (2022), “Feature screening for massive data analysis by subsampling,” Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, 40(4), 1892—1903.

  • Song, X., Zhang, Y.*,Pan, R.*, and Wang, H. (2022), “Link prediction for statistical collaboration networks incorporating institutes and research interests,” IEEE Access, 10,104954—104965.

  • Pan, R., Chang, X.*, Zhu, X., and Wang, H. (2022), “Link prediction via latent space logistic regression model,” Statistics and Its Interface, 15(3), 267—282.

  • Gao, T., Zhang, Y., Wang, S., Yang, Y., and Pan, R.*(2021), “Community Detection for Statistical Citation Network by D-SCORE,” Statistics and Its Interface, 14(3), 279—294.

  • Zhu, X.,Pan, R.*, Zhang, Y., Chen, Y.,Mi, W.,and Wang, H. (2021), “Information Diffusion withNetworkStructures,”Statistics and Its Interface,14(2), 115—129.

  • Zhu, X.,Huang, D.*,Pan, R., and Wang, H. (2020), “Multivariate Spatial Autoregressive Modelfor Large Scale Social Networks,”Journal of Econometrics,215(2), 591—606.

  • Zhu, X., and Pan, R.*(2020),“Grouped Network Vector Autoregression,”Statistica Sinica,30(3), 1437—1462.

  • Ma, Y.,Pan, R.*, Zou, T., and Wang, H. (2020), “A Naive Least Squares Method for Spatial Autoregression with Covariates,” Statistica Sinica,30(2), 653—672.

  • Zhang, X.,Pan, R., Guan, G.*, Zhu, X., and Wang, H. (2020), “Logistic Regressionwith Network Structure,” Statistica Sinica,30(2), 673—693.

  • Zhou, J., Li, D.*,Pan, R., and Wang, H. (2020),“Network GARCH Model,”Statistica Sinica,30(3),1723—1740.

  • Cheng, H., Li, S., Ning, Y., Chen, X.,Pan, R., and Zhang, Z. (2020), “Analysis on utilization of Beijing local roads using taxi GPS data,” Physica A, 545, 123570.

  • Xu, K., Wang, J.*,Pan, R., and Wang, H. (2019),“Photographic Diary: A New Estimation Approach to PM2.5 Monitoring,”Statistics and Its Interface,12, 387—395.

  • Zhang, Y., Fan, J.,Pan, R.*, and Huang, L. (2019),“Usage Based Insurance with pointof interestdata,”Statistics and Its Interface, 12, 345—353.

  • Chen, Y.,Pan, R.*, Guan, R., and Wang, H. (2019),“A case study for Beijing Point of Interest Data Using Group Linked Cox Process,”Statistics and Its Interface, 12, 331—344.

  • Cai, W., Guan, G.,Pan, R.*, Zhu, X., and Wang, H. (2018), “Network Linear Discriminant Analysis,” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 117, 32—44.

  • Pan, R., Guan, R.*, Zhu, X., and Wang, H. (2018), “A Latent Moving Average Model for Network Regression,”Statistics and Its Interface, 11(4), 641—648.

  • Zhu, X.,Pan, R.*, Li, G., Liu, Y., and Wang, H. (2017), “Network Vector Autoregression,” Annals of Statistics, 45(3), 1096—1123.

  • Lan, W.,Pan, R., Luo, R.*, and Cheng Y. (2017),“High Dimensional Cross-Sectional Dependence Test under Arbitrary Serial Correlation,”Science China: Mathematics, 60, 345—360.

  • Pan, R., Wang, H.*, and Li, R. (2016),“Ultrahigh-Dimensional Multiclass Linear Discriminant Analysis by Pairwise Sure Independence Screening,”Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111(513), 169--179.

  • Zhu, X., Huang, D.*,Pan, R., and Wang, H. (2016),“An EM algorithm for click fraud detection,”Statistics and Its Interface, 9, 389-394.

  • Pan, R.*, and Wang, H. (2015),“A Note on Testing Conditional Independence for Social Network Analysis,”SCIENCE CHINA: Mathematics, 58(6), 1179-1190.

  • Pan,R., Wang, H.*, and Tsai, C. (2011),“Regression Analysis of Asymmetric Pairs in Large-Scale Network Data,”Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 40:10, 1540-1547.

  • Li, J.,Pan, R., and Wang, H. (2010),“Selection of Best Keywords: A Poisson Regression Model,”Journal of Interactive Advertising, 11(1), 27-35.

  • 王菲菲,朱雪宁*潘蕊(2021),广义网络向量自回归,中国科学:数学,51(8),1253--1266.

  • 潘蕊,周静*,关蓉(2017),“网络中意见领袖对客户间接价值的影响,” 《商业研究》,59(9),28—32.


  • 潘蕊 著,《数据思维实践》,北京大学出版社,2018年.

  • 潘蕊 张妍 高天辰 著,《网络数据分析与应用》,北京大学出版社,2022年.


  • 《大规模网络结构数据的统计建模:理论与应用研究》,国家自然科学基金面上项目,课题负责人,2020.01-2023.12

  • 《含网络结构的离散选择模型:理论及应用研究》,国家自然科学基金青年项目,课题负责人,2017.01—2019.12

  • 《奥迪用户价值体系的数据管理与描述分析》,横向课题,课题主持人,2014.12-2015.12




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