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学术报告:Distributed Cooperative Control and Its Applications for Multi-Agent Systems
来源:  点击次数: 次 发布时间:2019-11-21   编辑:统计数学学院

学术报告DistributedCooperative Control and Its Applications for Multi-Agent Systems




报告摘要:Cooperative Control of multi-agent systems has attracted increasing attention from researchers in various fields of 
physics, mathematics, engineering, biology, and sociology, and so on. This is partly due to its potential applications, including 
collective behaviors, distributed sensor networks, unmanned aerial vehicles, underwater autonomous vehicles, mobile autonomous 
robots, to name a few. In this talk, some basic problems and results on cooperative control for multi-agent systems will be presented
and some applications will be also introduced.



报告人简介:20099月获北京交通大学硕士学位,201210月获法国里尔中央里大学(Ecole Centrale de Lille)国家自动化、信息处理、信号与图像处理实验室(LAGIS实验室)博士学位,201210月至20136月法国里尔中央理工大学研究助理,20136月至今北京交通大学任职,目前为北京交通大学理学院副教授。现主要从事多智能体/多移动机器人系统协同控制、分数阶微分方程和编队控制、神经网络稳定性、大数据分析、机械学习等方面的研究。目前已在IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; IEEE Transactions onCybernetics; IEEE Systems Man Cybernetics: Systems; IEEE Transactions onCircuits and Systems II: Express Briefs; Nonlinear Dynamics, Communications inNonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation国内外杂志和会议接受或发表学术论文60 余篇,其中SCI 检索论文50 余篇。据谷歌学术统计,研究成果被引用1200余次,H指数为19;据Web of Science学术统计,SCI他引800余次。H指数15。目前担任中国自动化学会环境感知与保护自动化专业委员会委员,中国工业与应用数学学会会员,美国《数学评论》评论员,IEEE Member,国家自然科学基金委函评专家,全国研究生数学建模竞赛函评专家。主持和参加国家自然科学基金项目、中法国际实验室合作项目、企业横向项目、中央高校基本业务费、人才基金项目等10余项。




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